Monday, June 22, 2009

exam yg tamat

selamat buat semue...

setelah sekian lame tdak memblog ditambah kesibukan idop yg mnggile.huh.ak pon tetibe nk memposting.nk mnghilang kebosanan idop berseorang bertemankan encik kipas biru yg berkaki due.
so.besok aku kan bergerak2 ke town bandung untuk enjoy mengenjoy bsame rakan2 dan memakan dengan buas di hanamasa.tau kah apa itu hanamasa?ia adalah sebuah restoran yang berhampiran Bip.bayar 80ribu rP(lbeh kurg 32rgt) boleh dimakan segale2 yg ade kat kedai tu smpai kaki tenggelam kt dalam lantai kedai....bleh ke.bleh3..

snanye yg ak nak perluahkan disini pade detik ini adelah aku sgt xsabar nak balik msia.ak nk hirup udare yg tnpe habuk dan bau cendawan busuk disini.op.ok.

dan semestinye.aku nak bersame kuarge yg tercinte dan bermain kude2 dgn anak sedare ak smbil menonton PHdc sampi ak da hafal si tikos mickey mouse tu nyanyi cane....baik...

oh ye...snanye terfikir di kepale ak ni utk mncari pekerjaan pade waktu cuti nanti...mungkinkah untuk mnjadi ckgu atau awek drive thru di mcd...mungkinkah pentido yg berjaye snhgge mghasilkan air lur dgn berkilo2..kita saksikn..yg pntg ak nk buat mende brmanfaat utk ngare bgse dan agame xkire diluar atau di dlm ngare...bleh2....

mgkin itu shaje sbg pencukup syarat mghilgkn krinduan pade encik blog ini...aku blah dulu....chow...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

boulevard of broken dreams

slamt tga hari ducapkan.slamt sore boleh gak.hweh3.

apa ya mau ditulis arini.err...las weekend agak bosan kerna hanye mengspent time sndiri tnpe tman2...
salunye time wkend akn ber'ym dgn enck revolver tp die sbuk npknye mmbntu prkendurian abg rknnye...ehhh....sgt sepi...huikk....

cm bjln2 di jatos...seorg diri aja..sgt kalo jln sorg ni akn mjdi boros snanye...kes2...asal npk je brg baik rse nk bli..no3...bek ak nonton muvi plg2 2 jam da abes dgn uang yg digunekan hanye 10k...hihi....

part yg plg bes snanye ble jln sorg ni cm anda bleh mlatih talent komunikasi dgn org sekeliling...cos ape2 pon bgntung pade diri sndiri...kalo malu2 mang xkn gerak a...eheh..

las nite cm mngalami nitemare yg sgt dahsyat...siriesly...ha...mpi lembage wane putih...mate tjage...aiyoyo...cpt2 grab fon kt tpi..(tp mate tutup a) intai kol bpe..bru kol 1...time tu...sgar kalo tjage salunye susa nk tdo blik...then bace la ayat a...
cm heartbeat cm lju je...mkin bnyk ak bce mkin neves...rase cm mende ak mpi tu creeping dlm blik...werks...tbe2...toleh blah kanan...jengjengjeng....mon2 tga mngadap ak...(mon2 tu beruk itam ak)...str8 ha a ckp dlm hati...haha...ptu tarik die msuk slimot....then bace a ayt2 sume....lame gak a amik mase nk tdo blik....huih...seriely...last nite was the worst snanye prasaan tu kalo dah dtg...mende yg diluar imagination pon bleh wether we're strong enough to cut it off or not je...maka bacelah ayt2 pendinding esp ayt kursi....diulang2....baik...

so..thats all for today's post..send my evergreatest regards to whom i love.byebye.

Come together like a foot in a shoe,Only this time I think I stuck my foot in my mouth.
Thinking out loud and acting in vain.Knocking over anyone that stands in my way.
Sometimes I need to apologize.
Sometimes I need to admit that I ain't right.Sometimes I should just keep my mouth shut,or only say hello.Sometimes I still feel I'm walking alone.
By:Green Day

Friday, March 13, 2009

this innocence

Waking up I see that everything is ok
The first time in my life and now it's so great
Slowing down I look around and I am so amazed
I think about the little things that makes life great
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling

This innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect, please don't go away, I need you now
And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by

I found a place so safe, not a single tear
The first time in my life and now it's so clear
Feel calm I belong, I'm so happy here
It's so strong and now I let myself be sincere
I wouldn't change a thing about it
This is the best feeling

This innocence is brilliant, I hope that it will stay
This moment is perfect, please don't go away, I need you now
And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by

It's the state of bliss you think you're dreaming
It's the happiness inside that you're feeling
It's so beautiful it makes you wanna cry

It's so beautiful it makes you want to cry

This innocence is brilliant, it makes you want to cry
This innocence is brilliant, please don't go away
'Cause I need you now ,,
And I'll hold on to it, don't you let it pass you by ....

Thursday, March 12, 2009

life oh life

hp ku tlah dijumpai...sgt gumbira...snanye tlah dipost bgaimana tlah djumpe hp itu...
tp dah tdelete lak...hweh2...anyway nex time ak diblog...baiklah...

i would to like to dedicate a special thanks to:

Andini....ak thutang budi sma kamu...
gummy...ure a great buddy...
balqis....thanks kdt ko...its great to have u as friend...
and to all my supportive friends...yanot adot n syaza...thanks...


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

so here i am again

at now...
bru pas siapkn pmbahasn...yaa...bdenyut2 urat otakku mmikirkan ape yg perlu ditulis...
weks...report2 ni bikin ak repot je...ep...tape2...btenang2....
so...arini bondaku brangkt pulang ke tanah air....tnh tumphnya darahku...
cm sesgt sdeh lah kan...bjujuran air mate shingge diketawe olh pacik gat...haish...jeles a tu mak die

ya...msteri mgu ini adelah mngenai khilngan tlefon sgt sangsi bgaimana ia boleh hilg...mcm msteri nusantara bukanlah spt rokok cap nusantara..ep...

tbe a...blek sblah ni malak nyanyi lgu dancing queen..trigt lak time kcik2...ahaha...

hmm....ape ek...telefon bimbit bru ku ini sgt lantang bunyinya wpun hanyelah cap Lg
dan bharge 400000

cm sgt tdak bspirit rasenye...dgn flu yg mganas...temprature bdn yg mule mndaki2...erh...
xsaba mau pulang msia....ya...but life must still be going on...ya...

cm rase xbes lak blog ni xtarok tepon bimbit bru ni xde cmera lak...xpe2...
ade hkmah gak xde hp tu...kalo x asikasik tgkp gmbo....mcm tkos cencorot je xpuas2 amik gmbo...ehhh....

baiklah.mungkin itu sahaje buat kali ini....smoge anda sume shat slalu...amalkan piramid mknn dlm menu shari-hari....byebye n taking care....

[life is short.make it sweet]

Monday, March 2, 2009

maybe tomorrow mood is not as good as yesterday.

biasala.everyone will feel it when it comes to monday.huahua. usual.di awal kepagian.aku tgu gummy kt pmate.ptu.tbe mnah ni kua melenggang.

dgn muke skupang.mngatekn tdak tahu menahu bhwe arini ade klas at 8.adoi.gummy2...

nsib ko da bsiap.kalo x brejam jua ak tgu ko siap....

tp..yg besnye arini.ak tlan pempek yg sgt nikmat ng gummy kt kntin td.

dis one is different dari yg ak mkn b4 nk btau...pempek a...dlm bntuk ala2 kopok lekor..lalu digoreng2 gune mnyak sapi(sje tmbh)...diangkt...lalu dicelup didlm kicp pdas dan dhidangkn bsame bberapa sudu mee...ehhh...cmtu a lbeh kurg...phm x?haishhh...mmg xleh jd cikgu tol zeti faeza ini...baik..=P

and...most mom will be here on this thursday...,yeayeayea...alangkah gumbira...

tbe a cm bsmgt kewiraan kmas bilik...smpai bkilau2...haa....xcaye sudah...kweh3 lg a nk jmpe mak...hikhik...happy.............=)

by the way.this sem.npknye cm akan salu ber lab bsame dak local(dak indonsia).cm.mule tahu mnahu bgaimana care mreke di itu amat bgus dlm bkerja disiplin dan konsisten..xmcm ak a...sgt malas dan sumap..huahuahua.....n lg stu...diorg x kdekut ilmu...tah..kalo cm tnye soklan bongok2 pon..dgn muke yg manis dn mnja mjwb ak tnye...kalo x kne pnampa da pe asik tnye mnde2 basic....huahuahua...

erm...mybe dats all...hurm...[cm rndu kt black rvolver]...hahaha....

assalamualaikum n nite.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

[nothing but ordinary]

hello heiyo.hehe.
salam to all dear friends.
this is the really first post of mine.
nothing much to say.
still pondering apakah bestnya blog ini.
yet trying.kut kut bes.akan dtruskn memblog.
er.lets get started by knowng a lil bit bout me.
n 4 those who wants to know me betta

im -- zetty faeza me zeti.ya.jgn macik zeti sudey.=P

bornday--26th of sept '88(cm avril sket sket) hihihi

brasal dr ipoh..meh2 dtg ipoh...ep...

i njoy eating.hanging out wit friends.dear make it simple.i don like to be alone.hek2

im of clumsy.haha.erm.people dat close to me knows betta.
do ask my friends utk kterangan lnjut..friends r the best mirror.hehe

i love myself.n thankful for wat ive got until this time.hehe.n im loveable.haha.yek....

the person dat i really-really wanna meet :

mom , azmi , n old dear friends .....

dats all kot.da ngtok ni.hehe...

wanna meet ya very2 soon on the next post...huih...

take care..dadaaaaa

[i wont promise to be very2 good.if i a liar]